Investor's Opinion

Portfolio Update

Published: 2010-04-19 20:51:00 EDT by Unknown

To start off this week I am selling another Call against my position in the iShares Silver Trust ETF. This Call is well out of the money at the $19 strike price, and as a result the premium after commissions is meager. There is no way for me to make money off of it by buying it back at any level. This will require that I hold it all the way through expiration.

The reason I chose the $19 strike price is simple. I have 20 shares of my position over $18. If the ETF were to close over $19 on option expiration, I would be automatically assigned the responsibility to relinquish my position, but at the same time, I profit off of all of the shares individually, not on an average. There are those that think Silver should be over $20, and I am one of them, but it has been muddling around below $19 for quite some time. I am willing to risk any additional profit by having it called away from me at $19, because I also believe that even if it does close above the strike price, it will eventually collapse back to around $17.

I would like to sell a call against Capital Product Partners, LP but it looks like it will be pulling off another one of it's breakouts again. For that reason I am preparing to purchase a Call option for a short hold. I don't have much free cash to invest, so I will be doing a lot of technical analysis in the coming weeks. That is my opinion, you can take it or leave it.

Disclaimer: See bottom of page.

Labels: opinion, option strategies, prognostication, update

Updated: 2010-04-19 21:20:17 EDT